荐书 读书

习惯的力量 The power of habit

英文版阅读难度 中下级 (英语四级读者,不需要大量查字典即可阅读)


00:24 深夜读书系列的目的(推荐书,而不是五分钟读懂XXX,也不是得到的替客官老爷读书)
====== 03:37 另外一个目的,为想开始英文阅读的人推荐英文书
04:30 the power of habbit (习惯的力量)介绍
05:58 为什么推荐这本书 (习惯的好处,方便坚持,日积月累)
====== 08:58 习惯的另外一个好处,不容易疲倦
09:33 Cue Routine Reward 习惯的三要点循环
====== 09:51 刷牙是怎么变成人类的全民习惯的
12:22 如何建立一个好的习惯
14:23 如何戒除一个坏的习惯
16:20 在企业和组织里面怎么构建群体习惯
19:38 这本书的阅读难度以及初学者该如何阅读英文书


by Lorenzo 5星

Use the Power of Habit to make the changes that you’ve wanted to make but haven’t gotten around to.

I’ve learned to exercise regularly, wake up early, and make healthier food choices. My habits and systems have improved my wellness, and if it worked for me, then it can definitely work for you.

I’ve also picked up a positive habit of reading at night before bed instead of mindlessly scrolling on my phone.




by Terry L., Brock 五星

WOW! This is one of those books you read, and re-read, and then re-read again because there is SO much good packed in it. I love the way that Duhigg, the author, gives abundant examples of what it means to have a habit and how it has been done successfully by key players. The book is both scientifically sound from a psychological point of view, as well as inspirational, also from a psychological point of view. He blends both the science and the practical (“I can do this too!”) worlds together.

If you want to get better at a task, a language, a skill or other important trait, this is a book you’ll love. From one eager learner to another (you know it if you are), you will love this book. Don’t hesitate. Buy the thing. Read it. Study it. Apply it. You’ll be glad you did!




旧居 五星


刘建鸿 五星




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